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Is Your Dental Implant Failing? How to Spot the Signs

December 2, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — mccombdental @ 11:34 am
Woman holding face in pain

Have you recently undergone dental implant treatment? Congratulations! You are joining the millions of Americans who enjoy a rejuvenated, full smile thanks to dental implants. As one of the most effective solutions to replace missing teeth, you can likely expect your implants to last for many years to come. However, you should be aware that there is always a slight chance of implant failure. Knowing the signs of failed dental implants is important in order to know when to seek proper dental care. Today’s blog will cover everything you need to know about dental implant failure.

5 Signs of Implant Failure

Let’s cut right to the chase. Here are 5 signs that your dental implant is failing and you should contact a dentist right away:

  • #1: Wobbly feeling near the implant, especially when chewing or talking
  • #2: Sensitivity when putting pressure on the implant when biting, smiling or chewing
  • #3: Difficulty chewing properly
  • #4: Gum inflammation, swelling or recession near the implant
  • #5: Severe pain near the implant site

What Causes Dental Implant Failure?

Dental implant failure can occur for a variety of reasons, such as:

  • Insufficient jawbone depth or strength
  • Gum disease
  • Smoking tobacco
  • Poor dental hygiene
  • Autoimmune diseases

Can Failed Dental Implants Be Treated?

The good news is that a failed dental implant does not automatically mean you are doomed to having a gap in your smile once again.

If your dentist determines the implant needs to be replaced, he or she will easily be able to remove it with the help of local anesthesia. After cleaning the area, they will inspect the jawbone where the implant was to determine if enough bone remains for another dental implant.

If significant bone loss has occurred, your dentist may recommend a bone graft for the site to help rebuild and strengthen the bone. Although the healing period following a bone graft procedure can take several months, strengthening the jawbone will help prevent future implant failure.

How to Avoid Implant Complications

If you have yet to begin implant treatment, there are some simple yet important steps you can take to ensure your dental implants remain a part of your smile for many years to come. Here are a few:

  • Talk to your dentist before the implant placement to learn about risk factors that can limit the success of your implants.
  • Inform your dentist of any medical conditions or medications that may affect the healing process.
  • Practice good oral hygiene by brushing twice daily and flossing once a day.

Although rare, implant failure can occur – so it’s important to know what steps to take. If you have any more questions about dental implants or implant failure, do not hesitate to contact your dentist in McComb!

About the Author

Dr. Nancy Dysinger has been providing quality oral care to men and women in McComb, Ohio for over 35 years. A second-generation dentist, she leads the team at McComb Family Dental in guiding patients through the dental implant procedure. Men and women interested in dental implants can visit the McComb Family Dental website or call Dr. Dysinger to learn more 419-293-2335

269 Park Drive South, McComb, OH 45858 USA
Dr. Marion Arbogast DDS (419) 293-2335 (419) 293-2512